Submit yourself!!
Bismillah Irrehman Irraheem.I want to write about my past but I don't know how and where to start out at it. In the meanwhile, I would only talk about something beautiful I read today which reminded me of the beauty of our belief in it. That which is a part of our basic aqeedah but we neglect it so much that we forget about it. It is the belief in the predestination of good and evil. How many times have I panicked? how many times have I become so impatient and so much uncomfortable thinking about the future? The main flaw here is that we forget that Allah Subhana Wata'ala has decided for us already what good shall befall us and what bad shall befall us. But we, humans, seem to forget it ever so often that it is unexplainable.
When I go through any hardships, I become so impatient and I forget the most beautiful thing about life, that what I am destined to get MUST come my way and what I am destined to be saved from MUST turn its back on me. Why do we people forget ALLAH is the ONE who decides for us. He is Al Mu'min- The Granter of Security, He is Al Muhayymin- The Protector and He is Ar Razzaque- The Provider. All it takes is 'sincere submission of our will to ALLAH Subhana Wata'ala' Why do we not realize, He is always watching over us, hearing us and He is the Al-Alim- The All-knowing. His are the best decisions and nothing happens accept that He lets it.
I say to myself and I say it to all..lets come submit to ALLAH kareem who will NEVER EVER do any injustice to His true slaves. Lets put our trust in HIM for HE is All-Trustworthy. Lets make it a habit to call upon HIM with full submission and full yaqeen that HE listens to us and grants us the best.