Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bismillah Irrehman Irraheem

Assalamoalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

I am starting this blog with the intention of sharing some past experience and from where have I come to a point now that I only say SubhanALLAH. Still, after having been such an unthankful, careless and an ignorant slave, I am just amazed to see where my LORD has brought me and then to my eyes come nothing but tears. I felt like I was never capable of so much mercy and so much love ALLAH Subhana Wata'ala has showered on me. I still feel I become showy, the graph of my emaan still goes up and down and I still have a longggg way to go. As I learn, I find out how much I was unaware of. I find how much more there is to life and how much fun it can actually be without late night parties, without running after wordly desires. Life is not as boring and not as useless as at times we people tend to think. If spent doing what you are supposed to, which is serving your LORD, you'll be blessed with Allah's blessings and will not regret it. That is a promise!
Why am I starting this blog? Another reason is the blog of a friend of mine whom I don't know for so long. While I was reading it, I was so inspired and wanted to have my own blog which I would try to make an example for its readers inshaALLAH. I ask all to pray for me to make my intention pure for ALLAH kareem and free from ANY feelings of showing off or trying to earn people's praise which was about to become a reason for this blog. May ALLAH kareem save us from riyaa which eats up all our good deeds and leaves us empty-handed at end.
Remember me in your duaas always.


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