Saturday, October 08, 2005

EarthQuake or a Wakeup call???

Assalamoalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

An earthquake is a natural disaster, something we can't do much about...for it is controlled by the Divine Power of my ALLAH. I am not at all saying that it shouldn't have happened or why did it happen..(astagfirullah I don't mean to say that) Per I am extremely sad for those who suffered the loss. This is a feeling not too common to me. But when I feel it, I just feel it. When in the suhoor, my mom turned on the tv. and instead of what she is used to watching, we saw the news of the earthquake in Islamabad and other areas in South Asia, I felt like crying. When they told an approx. 15 years old was getting ready to go to college...and her end was death, I just couldn't control my tears. They found her dead like that. Just think about it...would you or I when getting ready to go to college ever think we might not be able to get there???? do we ever think that today is the last day I am at my college?? Let alone the college, do we ever think that this breath that we are taking might be the last one??? Do we ever think that we might be writing at our computers on the forums or blogs for the last time??? and what would happen?? my blog would just sit there and not a single person who only knows me through web only would be able to know what happened to me...the most they can think is she probably forgot about her blog...or she probably doesn't get time to do anything...right?? would anyone think that I am no more alive?? Would you? Ok not to be self-centered, would if anyone I only keep in touch through web leaves this world (for the better one inshaALLAH), would I ever know?? I would simply think they must be too busy and our times don't match anymore. This is for sure a wake up make us realize that when comes the time for your will not be able to find a way will not be able to escape it and you will not even know it ahead of is sudden, it is harsh and it will surely approach all of us.

What are we waiting for?? How many would have actually in that earth quake gotten a chance to think and say La Illaha Illalah?? Probably those whose heart think 24/7 of the Lord of the Worlds and the Heavens and the Earth...and those who say our lives are for RabbulAlameen. But yes, I can't make a conclusion that none of them or the ignorant didn't read the kalimah..for who am I to know?? I pray may ALLAH Subhana Wata'ala grant those who died on emaan a high place in Paradise and may ALLAH Subhana Wata'ala reunite them with their families in the hereafter. amin thuma amin.