Urgent Dua Request!
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
This is an urgent dua request. I ask you to remember me in your duas specially if you pray the last third of the night, please please ask Allaah for me too!
Pray that Allaah Kareem soften my father's heart.
Pray that Allaah Kareem protect me and my deen.
Pray that everything be in my favor and favor of my deen.
Pray that Allaah Kareem make things easy and pray that may my intention be for the sake of Allaah alone, for His pleasure alone and for His face alone! Amin thuma amin.
Please make dua for this sister!
Wassalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Only that which Allaah wills, happens!
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, I heard this another lecture by some shaikh and I want to share the main theme of it. It helped me be patient and persevering and not be anxious and depressed. The title of the lecture was, "love and favour of Allaah". What hit me during the whole lecture was the examples of the Prophets A.S. to show the reality. - Nooh A.S. wanted to save his son and until the last moment asked him to come to the ship with him and be saved by accepting La Illaha IllAllaah. But Allaah had willed for me to be drowned because of his disbelief.
- A father wanted to save his son, but Allaah willed it to be the other way and this father was helpless even though he was Allaah's beloved Prophet.
- Prophet Mohammad SAW wanted his uncle to read La Illaha IllAllaah and die as a believer so he enters Jannah, but Allaah's decree overtook him and he died as a disbeliever.
- Yunas A.S. tried to run away from his disbelieving people and Allaah's will overtook him and he was swallowed by a fish and then by Allaah's will, he was again saved and came out of the fish's stomach alive.
These are just a few examples of how Allaah's will even overtook the Prohpets (May Allaah be pleased with them). We, on the other side, are just ordinary human beings who don't compare to the Prophets A.S. in any sense. We are far from the strength and trust that they had upon Allaah. When Allaah Subhana Wata'ala did not even grant the Prophets their wills, despite their status in the sight of Allaah, who are we to complain and brag about things that don't happen the way we want them to happen? Why it is so hard to make dua, and put our trust in Allaah and believe firmly that only what Allaah wills will happen. Why do we forget that Allaah Subhana Wata'ala hates to send His slaves empty-handed when they ask Him? He is Al-Hakeem, Al-Aleem. Only He knows what is good for His slaves and when He does not answer a dua immediately, it is only for our benefit. We humans don't know that what we are asking for might be harmful for us, but Allaah Subhana Wata'ala is Al-Aleem. In the end, only that which Allaah wills happens. There was a beautiful passage I read somewhere once. Here it goes: There is your will and the will of Allaah. Only if you submit to the will of Allaah, you will also be granted your will, but if you go against the will of Allaah, you will not be granted your will and in the end, only that which Allaah wills will happen.
Why we lack those emotions for Al-Malik?
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
I was listening to one lecture by Ahmed Ali. If we were to get an invitation from Queen Elizabeth to have dinner with her, we would go insane out of the extreme happiness for who has invited us. We would get excited as the days pass by and the day we are supposed to have the dinner with the Queen Elizabeth. When there is only one day left, the night before, we won't be able to sleep out of the extreme happiness. This is how we respond to call of someone famous, and by meeting that person, we feel more honored and loved. This is the level of our happiness on the invitation of some kings. But where do all these emotions go when we are invited by The King of the kings, where does the happiness go when we are called upon with so much love, that we shall answer the call even if it be by crawling? Even if the kings invite us for serving them in some regard, we feel so much honored that the king considered us for his job. But where is that emotion when we are invited by The King of the kings, with so much love that He says, 'Come to
Success'? The King of the kings honors us by considering us for His worship. Even though, it does not benefit Him, or harm Him, it only brings good to us. No matter if we do it or not, it does not increase or decrease His kingship. But look at Him, who considers us, the weak little creatures to be the closest to Him. Where is our love for Allaah? Where is the taqwa? Fear? Hope? Have you seen any king in this duniyah calling you and saying, come serve me and I will make you so rich and give you what you can never imagine? Have you seen any king of this duniyah promise you success and happiness that is never-ending? There is no such king in this duniyah. However, The King who created these kings promises us never-ending happiness and success, yet that does not appeal us. Why? Ask yourselves, why?
The problem is the piece of flesh within our bodies. It has become corrupted and has caused our whole selves to become corrupted as well. When we have a chest pain or angina, we run to doctors for cure, but when this pain is spiritual, we ignore it until death reaches us and we die with a clogged heart; A heart clogged with the dust of disobedience and rebellion against its fitrah. When something goes against its designated route, it is bound to get stuck and fail miserably. When we do so, we don’t experience any trouble in the short term, but in the long term, we lose wretchedly.
This is the time to think and reflect, and to run towards The King who calls us only for our benefit. Who waits for us to ask and Who is more than happy to grant us our wishes when we ask for them. There is no king of this duniyah who would wait for you to ask him, or who would want to fulfill your wish happily, because he, himself depends upon The King of the kings.
What is wrong with me? Anybody..???
Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,I don't know but I ask you, what is wrong with me? Why is devil able to overtake me so easily? why am I letting go? Why still with the tears in my eyes, am I unable to hold back myself? Why is it that the darkest side of me wants to show up so anxiously? Why is it that I feel so empty? My emaan is on the lowest of levels,,, what has happened to my heart? It is turning black? I feel horrible. Who wants to be misguided after they are guided? who wants to become a recipient of hell after they have become a recipient of heaven? I want to just run away or hide in some corner. I don't want to say it but I can't help. I want to see no body around me. My friends are being taken away from me. It is like a programming,,, when I am left alone, it is easier for Satan to attack me. Audhobillah! See once again, I don't want to write it with this in my mind that people will read and appreciate it or call me a wonderful person for questioning my intention,, but this is happening. Disclaimer*:This is not for people. These are my inner thoughts. What I am going through. And hopefully because none knows me personally,, it shouldn't even be a problem at all inshaAllaah.My heart has become weak. It seems to be dead. I fear Allaah,, but I don't know what it is that is making me feel just horrible. I can't handle it right now. It's like if I am about to break down. Ask Allaah to save me. Ya Allaah,, You know I don't want to be like that,, who wants to be misguided after You have given them the most beautiful gift of guidance? Ya Allaah, You know what I have done in the past few days, weeks, and hours. Ya Allaah, Save me from satan. Ya Allaah, Save me from satan. Ya Allaah, Save me from satan. Ya Allaah, keep me under Your protection. I need it the most Ya Allaah, I want to be protected under the cloud of mercy You sent towards me. Ya Allaah, make me one of Your most obedient slaves. Ya Allaah,, fill up my heart with taqwah just as my eyes were filled with tears. Ya Allaah, Save me from this duniyah and its evil. Ya Allaah, Grant me Jannat-ul-Firdaus, and a house in the neighbourhood of Your beloved Prophet SAW. Audhobillahi Minash shaitanirrajeem!