Thursday, February 16, 2006

An awesome Wazeefah- A shortcut to Happiness! Believe me, it works...

Assalamoalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

On February 14th, we were driving to Downtown, Chicago. We had our interview for citizenship and we had to get there early. It was around 6:30a.m. I believe. Surah Yaseen's translation was playing in the car and I was thinking of the pocket size durood book that I had seen somewhere, which was to read 'some duroods' a certain number of times for different purposes. That durood book was written by 'Ulama' who had 'tested' the durood before printing them. They had mentioned the word 'mujarib' which means 'tested' or 'azmaya hua' in urdu. SubhanAllaah,, how do you test the 'sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam)?? Does this even make sense? Rather, it is disgusting and this is all I have to say! Anyways, it was then that the idea hit me. I took out a pen and started writing on the back of my US Citizenship application's xerox copy. And it is about the wazeefah,, which I promise you with a 100% guarantee, will NEVER be unsuccessful but the condition is your correct intention for the sake of Allaah Subhana Wata'ala.
And here it goes.....

All right, I know the best Wazeefah. There is a 100% guarantee of success if you follow the guidelines stated in the Wazeefah book CORRECTLY. The keyword here is 'CORRECTLY'. Better keep that in mind before I further direct you on how to do it, when to do it, why to do it, what to expect from people around you as you go about doing this Wazeefah and finally, what will be the end result.

Before I tell you anything else, I want you to know specifically how to go about reading the text of this Wazeefah. You should read it in Arabic and learn how to do so if you don't know already. BUT......there must be a translation available because when arabic isn't even your native language, how will you follow the wazeefah when you don't understand what you are reading?? It makes a big difference, doesn't it? Shouldn't this ring a bell in your mind?? Anyways,, back to the Wazeefah.

As for when to read it, read it EVERYDAY till death reaches you. Don't worry, it is not hard at all. Think about this. When someone is afflicted with one of the major diseases today in the world, and they are prescribed to take the medicine every single day until they die, do they not follow the directions? If you want your happiness to be everlasting, you need to do just as a sick person would do.

As for why should you do it, when you have an easy way to make things smooth and be happy forever and ever and ever....which is 'eternal happiness'...would you want to use it? There is a tricky part here though.

The trick is in 'what to expect from people around you'. It is not possible that all people share in your joy and do the same Wazeefah. Some will get jealous, some will not want to see you happy and some will want you to fulfill their wishes no matter if it be on the cost of giving up your pleasure. They will boycott you by different means and will try their level best to take the Wazeefah away from you. They will not take it away from you by physical means. Instead, they will try to make you forget the guidelines of the Wazeefah and do things that go against the directions. They will come up with excuses to not let you follow the guidelines. You must be aware of such people if you want to succeed. On the other hand, you will see people who will start following your footsteps because of the amount of happiness and peace of mind you possess.

What will be the end product? The end product will be a lot of happiness followed by contentment and termendous amounts of joy. After you depart from this world, you will be rewarded Paradise and you will abide therein forever. Allah Subhana Wata'ala has said that you will see what you have never seen and it will be coupled with endless enjoyment. You will get to live among the people you loved the most in this duniyah.

What is the Wazeefah and where do you get it? Aren't you now getting impatient to know where to get it so you can grab it and start reading it today?

My dear brother/sister in Islam, it is on the highest shelf at your home ignored and read by some people without even understanding what it says. It is nothing else but Qur'an. It is the word of Allaah. And Allaah has spoken the truth and nothing else!

How pathetic we have become that we bring hardships into our deen when Allaah Subhana Wata'ala has given us such an easy way out to living a righteous life and becoming His true slaves!

Pray for me and for yourself. Make dua that I not become arrogant and the seeds of riya be completely removed so that my deeds are accepted and I do so, to please Allaah alone. Amin thuma amin.